
Update of Personal Data

Request for correction, update, deletion or inclusion of personal data in Nosis' database (Act No. 25.326, section 16).

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Applicant's Information

Ej: 54114111 11111000
(*) Mandatory Fields. At least one phone number (landline or mobile) must be entered.
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Attach copy of your ID card (both sides) and supporting documentation.
Include all your requests in the same application form. Avoid making individual requests.

To request the correction, update, deletion or inclusion of your personal data included in Nosis' databases, you may fill in this report and send it to our offices via web, in person or by post.

The personal data entered in this form is necessary to comply with the request and is collected only to such ends; therefore, it must be accurate and complete.

Vía web:
Complete el formulario y haga click en "enviar".

In person:
At Nosis offices located in San Martín 365, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mondays through Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., having previously given proof of identity and prepared the corresponding "Request for correction, update, deletion or inclusion of your personal data in Nosis’ database".

By post:
Please fill in and print this request, attach a copy of your ID and supporting documents duly signed, specifying an e-mail address to which you would like to receive Nosis response and send all by post at:

NOSIS Laboratorio de Investigacion y Desarrollo S.A. (RIGHT OF ACCESS)
San Martín 365.
(C1004AAG) CABA.


Proof of Identity:
In all cases, you must duly prove your identity by providing your personal documentation and attaching a picture or photocopy of your ID card number, in order to comply with the obligations imposed by law regarding proof of identity and to enable Nosis' response.

Regarding requests for information about legal entities (companies), you must also provide a copy of the documentation that certifies your capacity as representative (meeting minutes, power of attorney, etc.)

Supporting Documentation

Toda rectificación, actualización, supresión o ampliación que el titular desee hacer a los datos que ya existieran, serán por su exclusiva cuenta y responsabilidad. El titular deberá adjuntar documentación respaldatoria de la información que aporte.

Rights and Statements

Act No. 25.326, section 16
Correction, update and deletion right: 1. Every person has the right to correct, update, and when applicable, delete or keep confidential his or her personal data included in a database. 2. The person responsible for or the user of the database must proceed to correct, delete or update the personal data belonging to the affected party, by performing the operations necessary to that end within the maximum term of five business days after the complaint raised by the data owner has been received or the misinformation has been noticed. 3. The non-compliance with such obligation within the term established above will empower the interested party to bring, without any further proceedings, the action for the protection of personal data or habeas data set forth in this Act. 4. In the event of data transfer, the person responsible for or the user of the database must notify the recipient of such correction or deletion within five business days of the data processing. 5. The data deletion does not proceed in the event it could damage the rights or legitimate interests of third parties, or in the event there exists a legal obligation to preserve such data. 6. During the process for the verification and correction of the relevant misinformation, the person responsible for or the user of the database must either block the access to the file or indicate, when providing the information related thereto, that such information is subject to revision. 7. The personal data must be kept during the terms set forth in the applicable provisions or, as the case may be, in the contractual provisions agreed between the person responsible for or the user of the database and the data owner."

Data is kept in the database of Nosis Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo S.A. located in San Martín 365 (C1004AAG), City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. For further questions, contact Nosis' "Reclamos SAC" department at:

The National Department for the Protection of Personal Data, Controlling Body sustained by Act No. 25.326, has the power to handle any complaints and reports related to the compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.

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